No-thing ventured no-thing gained.

    Synchromystics rock! To view at least 4 blog roll sites every day is truly an adventure. Most sites generate about five to eight new posts every day. This winter the new posts are going a little slower.  Watching the wheels go round does a new post daily. Amazing synchs from downe under. The Secret Sun is usually a weekly affair. Darkness surrounds C. Knowles posts of late. A real eye opener about the X files and it's sordid and sick entrainment. Tek-Gnostic Guru Jack Heart is a weekly report . Latest post is a view into the Archons/Fascists of the American plutocracy. Feuilletons blog is a weekly (for the weekend) blog who digs in quite dark territory, and art, and music and some gaiety, gay milestones and such. Log 24 is a weekly blog that is infused with numbers and all kinds of tesseract and cubic information.  Too Long in this Place, is a blog that of late is incredible interesting. It is usually a once a month affair. Read back two or three posts of it to understand the current thesis. A wake up call indeed, done in the classic synchromystic template- words-photos-modern film/tv/net and some heavy synthesis! Twilight Language is often posted to explain the symbiosis of current events, events that correlate to his matrix of synchronicities. You can see him post when something auspicious is sensed.  Amid Night Suns author Raj has some great musings/poetry of late.
To discern  synchromystic blogs is something ventured-something gained. Keep digging my friends. 87


Jack Heart said…
87... Give me a call on my cell. I have an update on AlienCon 2019.

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