Environmental mindfullness is key.
Greetings synchromystics, the synchrosphere is full of topics to discern. Check out the latest iAhuasca post called Ego. Such insights include an alternate view of reality. People like PKD, and Terrence McKenna often forged ahead in their own synchrosphere (private Idaho).
The blog Super Torch Ritual is a pay for view site. However, sometimes he gives us plebes a insight to the flow of his timeline. Sure everything is connected, some times the connections are hard to see. I for one tire of endless apocalyptic tidings/events.
The great web blog, Tek-Gnostics is spot on in its love for the bio-sphere. The sidebars on the site are great to peruse. Some would think he has experienced plant medicines, wink, wink... . The climate is a-changing. Deal with it. Earth first! - 87
The blog Super Torch Ritual is a pay for view site. However, sometimes he gives us plebes a insight to the flow of his timeline. Sure everything is connected, some times the connections are hard to see. I for one tire of endless apocalyptic tidings/events.
The great web blog, Tek-Gnostics is spot on in its love for the bio-sphere. The sidebars on the site are great to peruse. Some would think he has experienced plant medicines, wink, wink... . The climate is a-changing. Deal with it. Earth first! - 87
Diamonds from Heaven...