
Synchromystics finding synchronicities.  Being present while discernment in all things esoteric/gnostic. Are synchronicities pointing to the future or are they clues to the past? My sweet lordee, lordee.  Perhaps both eh?
  The Sun of an occulted nature (Secret Sun) is fixated on all things Mermaid. Way too many comments to flip thru. So much Memes, so little interest. Tek-Gnostics is making a comment about conspiracies . Are we getting the truth right? Horselover Fat is mucking up his politics and profanity in Subliminal synchro sphere, always saying his blog is dead (for now)?
   Watching the wheels go round is again so insightful and synchromystic. His daily intuition is key. A must read daily! Keep your dharma wheels moving space cadet!
    Owls are popping up here and there. In my life, a totem perhaps. Hidden Experience blog is owls personified, synchrofied! iAhuasca blog is alive again, so much to discern, what an adventure this synchromystic treasure hunt is.   Language of the synchromystic birds, share it. 87


Jack Heart said…
Come on you raver, you seer of visions,...
Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!

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