Anons anoy!

     When a person writes something they own it. Anonymous is to me a less than honorable/cowardly. Call me old fashioned, call me unreasonable, but that is how I feel. Many blogs in the synchromystic blog rolls are beset with too much anonymous comments. Some of them like on Merovee ( from England) have some anoys taking WAY too much space, often non-sensical prattle.
   Space discussions have been high-lighted on Tek-Gnostics and the Secret Sun. The amount of re-search that Chris Knowles presents in the Secret Sun is legion. I am a dedicated space cadet! Our Aussie synchro cadet, Darren, (Just watching the wheels go round) is also space bound.  Don't forget that Australia has some of the biggest space antenna's on the planet. ( What is going on out there?)
    Dharma talks at my local Gonpa here in Cottage grove are like diamonds on my windshield. Went to one last Thursday. So much to discern. So much to receive, so much to give. A song synched for me yesterday ( krvm-91.9 Eugene Oregon== stream it, if you please). Breathe in, breathe out, never say goodbye. If one is mindful and enlightened/realized one can breathe in all the worlds suffering and breathe out nothing but cool blue goodness and never say goodbye to loving kindness! So with that, see you here at the Atmosphere soon. Please comment if you please. 87


Jack Heart said…
87... Thanks for the synchromystic tip on "Lodge 49" Very esoterically entertaining so far... I feel a near-future post coming soon!

Shine on, you (not so) crazy diamond! - JH
Luna said…
Can't write an anon comment here, so I picked a profile you haven't seen before. Shame on you! You aren't old-fashioned. Old-fashioned Internet hands like me love anons, it was what defined the early Internet: nobody had to know who you were.

So why don't you give us a profile with your own name, a photo of your face, and now that we're at it, a photo of your genitals would also be interesting to look at.

Green cartoon frogs won the American election. Think about that one before your next post.

And by the way, this is my last comment here unless you enable anon comments. It's bad enough that Google knows everything about my interest in esoteric stuff. I'd prefer it if not everyone, their mother and their dog can figure it out.
Dennis/87 said…
Luna my name is Dennis, I live in the woods of western Oregon. My preference is to put a name to the comment. The moon has it's occulted side, be not afraid to come to the shining side. Anons wear a mask to the party. To shine forth is key! Dennis/87
Jack Heart said…
Luna... Green cartoon frogs, winning the US election... ain't it just the craziest ya ever saw? What next? A cartoon character with a Q security clearance?

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