Synchromystic evaluation

    Greetings earthlings! The blog rolls are thick with fascinating essays.  The Secret Sun has every kind of  ritual working that the deep state is working on. It is a sordid tale to the maximums.  There are Sirens and Pearly do drops drop, alien intelligences, Satanic overlords, and a so much desolation.
     Synchromysticism is the phenomena of  the collection of synchronicities to psyche that lead to a meaningful and understood outcome. This blog is a my effort to train the mind  and make sense of it all. What is the synch and how does it lead to understanding/awareness. Synchromystics discern. A leads to b and c is the revelation/mystical working. The more synchs, the more synchs. I am aware of the multifarious cosmic workings. To be a synchromystic is to use coincidence of a meaningful nature and use the heart and brain to realization. Basically, I want to hear synchronicities and how they change one's life.
    Are synchronicities , happening for a reason? What is presented by the universe? Is the synch leading to more understanding. Is my unconscious coming to fore. Is my psyche in tune with the universe?
    So, that is my desire for this blog. Talking about the synchromystic blogosphere. Talking about personal synchronicities. Awake and aware and willing to share! To shine forth is key! 87


Maria Rigel said…
OK, I'll give you a personal syncronicity. The Secret Sun had a post all about the color orange recently. So I started thinking about orange, and that I don't know much about what orange really means. I thought I'd search for orange in the Quareia course, that I downloaded a while ago. And there was orange only in two lessons, one of them lesson 6 in module 6. So I started thinking about numbers and their meanings. And I thought to pick a lesson with numbers meaningful to me. In that lesson, there was a ritual using the word "hello". I thought that was a good personal synch. Synchs work in winding ways.
Dennis/87 said…
Maria, last month my friend Jack Heart and I had orange synchs of an immediate nature, lot's of them. We were talking about the orange one-nbr 45. Off to the right comes an 18 wheeler in blazing orange. We usually have a synch log when we go to events. Some synchs are special. The immediate ones really leave me searching for more. Here is a site that says the red spot on Jupiter is turning orange.
Synchrodellic atmosphere indeed. 87
Re: "What is the synch and how does it lead to understanding/awareness.?"
Good quest-ion Dennis, but a tricky one indeed.
I find that there are two types of synchronicities in play, personal and collective.
And the thing is they intermingle to the point that it is sometimes hard to prize them apart.
But I find that our personal synchronicities somehow connect us to the planetary collective synchronicities happening around us, too.
You should find this out for yourself though if you persist with this blog into the months ahead and just record your own and the world's WTF synchs that draw your attention.

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